Monday, July 21, 2014

Word of Mouth marketing!!

                               Word of Mouth marketing!!

Even we know WOMM is one of the best way to do marketing for your brand but still people are shy or scared to implement this in their organization. Social media is stopping them to even think about this(word of mouth), because for them its easy to do the things online rather than doing WOMM.

If we are having 1000 likes for our brand page or we will communicate with 100 users about our product, the 2nd option will be more effective because they will be our real 100 users who know about my brand and trust us, even those 100 users will communicate with others and they will gain faith over other people as well. So we should engage with people rather than doing online marketing, we are not against if social marketing but we strongly recommend WOMM as well for better result.

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